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Rainshadow RX7 Saltwater Multipurpose Blanks - (SW)

$117.34 $105.60

There are only 3 items left in stock.

Rainshadow SW RX7 Saltwater Multipurpose Blanks

SW966-M Grey Matte 7'10" 1 12-20lb. 1/2-3oz. 0.651 6.0 MOD-F ML 4.6oz. HD Inshore - Bull Red/Barracuda/Small Tarpon
SW967-M Grey Matte 7'10" 1 15-25lb. 3/4-4oz. 0.673 7.5 MOD-F M 5.5oz. HD Inshore - Tarpon/Barracuda/Cobia
SW968-M Grey Matte 7'10" 1 20-30lb. 1-4oz. 0.697 7.5 MOD-F MH 6.4oz. HD Inshore - Tarpon/Barracuda/Cobia

***** Please Note: calculated shipping costs on blanks are not always accurate! We will ship the least expensive method (unless specified differently by the customer) and will refund any freight overcharges promptly!! *****